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Community Leaders, Residents & Neighbors are supporting Arianna Barrios for City Council.
"Arianna raised her family in Orange and operates her small business just a few blocks from her home. She appreciates how the policy decisions made by the City Council can affect the quality of life of the residents and businesses in our community."
Carolyn Cavecche, Former Mayor of Orange

Hon. Lou Correa
Rep. City of Orange

Ana Gutierrez
Councilmember, D5
City of Orange

Hon. Tita Smith
Former Mayor
City of Orange

Hon. Mike Spurgeon
Former Mayor Pro Tem
City of Orange

Hon. Andrea Yamasaki
Trustee, OUSD

Lisa Blanc
Citizen of the Year ('17)

Robert Imboden
President, Orange DRC

Hon. Doug Davert
President, EOCWD

Adam Feliz
Orange Traffic Commission

Adam Duberstein
Respect Orange

Jim Karras
Respect Orange

Patti Ricci
Neighbors Say No

Hon. Josh Newman
CA State Senator
Rep. City of Orange

Hon. Carolyn Cavecche
Former Mayor
City of Orange

Hon. Dan Slater
Former Mayor Pro Tem City of Orange

Russ & Pat Barrios
Orange Citizens
of the Year ('16)

Hon. Kris Erickson
Trustee, OUSD

Hon. Mark Wayland
Former OUSD Trustee

Mary Anne Skorpanich
Member, Orange DRC

Hon. John Hanna
Trustee, Rancho Santiago
Comm. College District

Hon. Zeke Hernandez
Trustee, Rancho Santiago
Community College Dist.

Daniel Correa
Former Orange Planning

Rudy Diaz
Former Chairman,
Orange Library Found.
2022 Endorsing Organizations

2020 Endorsing Organizations

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